Activities Dutch Hat Association 



Make sure to write down the dates of all future NHV events and activities in your diary. 

Hat Contest 2024

Theme: 'Seize the Day/ Pluk de dag/ Carpe Diem'.

Welcome to the 19th edition of the International NHV Hat Competition! 

Everyone is welcome to enter this competition


NHV Hat day

On October 21st it’s the Dutch Hat Day. This year in combination with the Dutch Hat competition 2023.  The organization ties up the loose ends on the program. In addition to the show with the results of the Dutch Hat Competition you can of course expect all the familiar Hat Day elements such as workshops and purchasing materials from suppliers. The NHV Marketplace gives members the opportunity to offer materials and hat blocks for sale.

Join the NHV Dutch Hat Day on Saterday Oktober 21 at Zalen-en Partycentrum de Til in Giessenburg!